Wednesday, August 25, 2010


pulled out the good ol' technics 1200 that were forgotten in a closet due to technology(virtual dj,scratch live,serato etc.) because i felt like listening to my music raw...actually, wanted to hear the sound of vinyl...dusted some records and did my homies came over to hang for a bit and started asking me about this Maluca chick that ive been blasting lately...LOL!!! at the end of the nite we ended it up listening to the CHINA FOOD MIXED CD and off course the conversation begun....everybody had their opinion and we all chose our favorite songs from the mixed cd etc. etc... me being the big drum and bass head that i'm, tonight i have a second favorite on this cd...JUNGLE VIOLENTO...this song is the type of song that the music alone will take you thru the lyrics...but if you pay attention to this woman's subtle, naive voice in this song along with the persuasive, loving, controlling lyrics accompany by the strong mixture of instruments, you'll love JUNGLE VIOLENTO as much as i do...funny because i had a conversation with an ex about unconditional love a few days ago and JUNGLE VIOLENTO to me is nothing but unconditional love to this VIOLENTO at times situation...i interpretation of it...and i love it...we all want to be loved the way shes loving her rey(king)...thats unconditional love...but, check out the MAD DECENT folks and download the CHINA FOOD MIXED CD, or MALUCAMALA AT MYSPACE .COM buy it do whatever you gotta do and judge for yourself what i'm talking about...this post goes out to all of my free thinkers, air signs(Aquarius) and everybody that fights for it...LOL!!! thats for you!


  1. the way you write about her and her music, you just made me fall in love. great post.

  2. HAHAHA!!! thank you...hard not to fall for her...i'm trying hard myself to keep it real... ????? ;)
